New and returning students needing to ride the bus to and from school must register every school year to use our transportation service. Forms will be available beginning in May; see the weekly newsletter for updates.
Forms are required for each student.
Families who submit forms after the deadline should plan to make transportation arrangements the first 3 weeks of school.
We remind all families that riding the bus is a privilege. Poor student behavior on the bus poses dangers to all children by distracting the driver from the task of safely transporting children to and from school. To that end, SHPA has strict bus procedures that all students must follow. Both parents and students are asked to sign a covenant to abide by these rules, which is kept on file in the school office. This is found in the Parent/Student handbook. Students sit in assigned seats on the bus and are expected to share seating space with other students. Seating charts are issued to assist the driver to identify every student. Bus misbehavior issues are addressed as they arise by involving both parents and students in resolving problems.
Parents wishing to transport their children to and from school by car are welcome to do so. Please review this policy as found in our Parent-Student Handbook.
Should you need assistance from the Richfield Campus transportation department after hours, please call (612) 662-6330
Transportation Facts
Our fleet consists of 20 buses that transport more than 600 students from 500 families each school day.
Safety will always be the first and foremost objective of our bus transportation service.
The goal for route times will be approximately one hour, weather and traffic permitting.
Students who do not live in Bloomington or Richfield will be serviced by hub stops.
Kindergarten students will receive stops at the corner of their street.
1st-5th grade students will have stops approximately 4 blocks from their house
6-8th grade students will have stops approximately 6 blocks from their house
Parents of K-5th grade students are expected to be present at the bus stop for pickup/drop-off.
Students must be registered to ride the bus and receive only one a.m. and one p.m. stop.
Bus drivers are entrusted with the responsibility of managing and referring student behavior.
Each campuses bus service may differ in some respects based upon contracts and providers.
Students are only allowed to ride the bus to which they have been assigned, no exceptions.
For additional information, please reference the or the following district boundary map. http://www.mngeo.state.mn.us/maps/SchoolDistricts/
Busing is a privilege, not a right, and we work hard in cooperation with our transportation partners to provide quality service at an affordable rate to our families!